NCIA is an industrial association. To quality for membership, a person, firm, corporation or other entity (“Applicant”) must be carrying on an industrial business that is located (at least in part) within the boundaries of the County of Strathcona, the County of Sturgeon, the County of Lamont, or the City of Fort Saskatchewan and otherwise meets such membership qualifications as are from time to time established by the Board of Directors.
Any party interested in becoming a member of NCIA must meet the membership qualifications set out in the NCIA bylaws (Section 5(a)), at the sole discretion of the NCIA Board members (by a simple majority vote).
Typically, there is a lot of conversation between the Executive Director of NCIA and the potential new member, prior to that potential new member formally requesting membership in NCIA. That conversation includes the following:
- NCIA considers an Industrial Business to mean that an applicant:
- Operates or intends to operate a regulated industrial facility within the boundaries established by our by-laws (allows for those with land holdings who are planning to build).
- Holds an approval under the Alberta Energy Regulator, Alberta Environment and Parks or the Oil Sands Conservation Act;
- Meets any other requirements that the NCIA Board of Directors may establish.
- The governance structure of NCIA.
- The expectations of new members (to participate on the Board and its various committees).
- The fee structure that may apply to that potential new member.
If the potential new member moves to the next step, namely formally requesting membership in NCIA, then they will provide the NCIA Executive Director with a written request for membership specifying:
- The nature of the industrial business being carried out, or to be carried out, within the boundaries established by the NCIA bylaws.
- They understand and will be bound by the policies and procedures of NCIA if accepted as a member.
The NCIA Board will then discuss the membership request and vote to accept (or not) the party making the membership request as a member of NCIA.