November 2016

Message from the ED

The relationship that exists between regulators and the regulated community is an important aspect of any investment decision. The regulated community strives for a positive, constructive and collaborative relationship with regulators and Alberta has a history of being open to that collaborative approach. This must maintain into the future. That positive relationship, by itself, creates a positive framework for investment decisions because challenges will always arise, and being able to work through them to find solutions and paths forward in collaboration with the regulators, encourages development. Our meeting with Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) in late October was one such meeting where a collaborative relationship was displayed.

Some important highlights from this meetings are:

  • With respect to the Effluent Characterization Program currently underway for industrial dischargers to the North Saskatchewan River, AEP and industry have agreed to work cooperatively on the program, completing all four sampling campaigns (one for each season) and then sit down and review the data and determine what next steps may be required.
  • With respect to the Industrial Air Emissions Management Plan, industry and AEP are developing a set of survey questions to determine what the current status of emissions management (with a focus on NOx) is, in the Capital and Red Deer regions.

Both of these are good examples of industry and government working positively and collaboratively to understand and manage environmental pressures in the region.



Heartland Community Information Evening - October 20

Local industrial facilities are on pace for steady growth in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Over twenty companies and organizations shared details about their future plans and activities at the bi-annual Heartland Community Information Evening on October 20 in Gibbons hosted by Life in the Heartland.

To learn more, please click here.

Heartland 101: Environmental Emergency Response Plans 

Risk assessment, response plans and access to resources are elements of industry and community emergency management programs. Confirming and improving these plans through drills, exercises and simulations not only enhances public safety, it also satisfies certain regulatory requirements.

A number of industrial facilities in the region are required to have Environmental Emergency, or E2, Response plans under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. These plans aim to reduce the frequency and severity of uncontrolled, unplanned or accidental releases of hazardous substances into the environment. They also ensure companies are able to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an environmental emergency.

To learn more, please click here.

Heartland 101: Heartland History Repeats Itself 

More than six decades ago, construction began on the first industrial facility in the region. A timeline of development from then until today required a steady stream of trucks, trains, pipelines, and cranes assembling more than $30 billion worth of facilities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.

To learn more, please click here.